Daycare Availability for Summer 2022
As we head into the busy summer months, we have an important update regarding daycare scheduling. At this time, we have elected not to open the Owner Portal for daycare scheduling requests as, between increases in summer boarding and the popularity of our Daycare Classes, we are at capacity for this quarter.
As you all know, we are building a second facility in Pittsboro. Construction began in August 2021. This project has been three years in the making and our original timeline and plan was to have it ready for this summer. However, between weather delays and supply chain issues, our opening date has been pushed from April to May, May to June, and now well into July. We believe the opening of our second facility will help alleviate the limited availability we have in our Chapel Hill location.
Summertime has always been a busy time at the Lodge, and this summer is no different. We have to limit our daycare availability to ensure that all dogs at the Lodge have a conditioned rest space available for them. This is imperative in keeping them safe during hot weather and to ensure they can have a private space to rest and avoid stress and injury.
We understand that this is difficult for everyone in our daycare program. It is a difficult decision to make as we do not want to disappoint anyone in any way, but we cannot compromise safety for our pets and staff. We will keep everyone up to date with any changes in availability and our opening date for our Pittsboro location.